Marek Mountain Railroad The indoor Gn3 model railroad of Frolin Marek in San Antonio, Texas
This is the inital page where I will be loading various videos of my railroad. In future, they will all be on YouTube. Here are a couple older early samples...
Short test video from my new onboard video camera, from a train running through the town of Lumberton. (40 secs)
My standard gauge, SW-1 Diesel switcher on a test run in 2007 on Barry's layout. This is a correct 1/22.5 scale mode, of a Std Ga diesel, that runs on Gauge 3 tracks. (2 min)
Chasing Trains on my layout in 2007, following a train running uphill over the line from Alamosa to Lumberton. Then another train going downhill, back to staging. (4 min)