South  Texas

Railroad  Socials


On Saturday, June 26th, 2021,  we hosted our first  "Hybrid Social".  This was our first time back  "in-person"  at Longhorn Cafe in 15 months,
and featured a virtual connection via  Zoom  plus the event was live streamed on YouTube.  People enjoyed seeing others in person after so long.


We had three mini presentations aong with other regular material.  Barry talked about scratch building a 1/22.5 Big Boy locomotive.  Blake shared his experiences over 10 years of Train Photography.
Robert showed how he builds modules for his home layout using the Torsion system.  Barry and Blake were 'remote' and Robert in-house with module samples.  We saw an info-mercial on an
underground mine used for rail storage, heard about pending NMRA-LSR events, and saw several Show-n-Tell displays.  Plus some funny video clips along the way.


Below are several shots from the Social, both via pictures and screen-shots from the video feed.  A sampling of what folks saw, either in person or remote via Zoom or YouTube links.
The latter pictures include screen grabs and crops to give some ideas of some of the hardware used to make this  Hybrid Social  work, including 3 camera angles to view remotely.


- -  click on any picture to expand,  or click the first and advance thru all of the pictures  - -


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This first Hybrid Social was an adventure with some A/V Tech,  being in-person and virtual.  If you have any questions or need help using Zoom, please email  Frolin  via the links on this site.

Click any thumbnail to expand – you can scroll thru them after.
           Photos taken by  Jerry Marek  and  Frolin Marek..

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