June  2024

Clearing tree limbs,
Ballasting Bauerton branch,
Cleaning out the TT pit

Latter part of June saw three days of various work projects tackled.
On the 23rd,
we cleared parts of trees off the railroad.  The first pic is leaving Phelps, the second is at Kat Jct.
Third is a tree that got hung in other trees when cracked.  Next two show Doug F and Carl J helping clear the ROW.
2nd row shows near Yard Limit at High Point, found a tree down hit the bank and broke the top off.
Sixth and seventh pic show Carl and Doug looking over parts, from two angles.  Next is looking at part of the trunk.
The saw got stuck cutting when the truck was not floating on either end.  Used a jack and Doug helped getting it out.
On the 24th, spent the day ballasting the Bauerton branch afer new ties had been inserted for some time.
3rd row, first three pics show ballasting using the John Deere tractor to carry gravel, instead of shoveling from a gon.
On the 26th,
spent the afternoon cleaning out the turntable pit where rain washed dirt in over the 20 years of life.
Also cleaned out a bunch of tree roots too.  See the this in the last three pics.     
- -   Tom C

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