April 21st-25th, 2021

R-O-W work and Tie replacements

April 21, Wednesday:  It was cold on the RR and I bundled up as I rode #3 around to check for fallen trees or tree parts.  None were found.  I took out the measuring wheel and went to Clear Lake on #3 to check on some measurements I did and get some I forgot.  After I completed Clear Lake, it was off to Maples and get some missed ones there.  Then Jacks Pit, Kat Jct, Phelps, Sumac & High Pt. to finish my list.  I am putting together an Excel spread sheet of the RR of where all the parts are and the distance from Clear Lake.  After this, I took out the load of ties and put a new load in.  Here is a picture of the pile so far (1st row, 4th pic).  

April 22, Thursday:  I was going to spray for weeds but snow was predicted so I went back to the Ramp Track and worked on opening up the banks in the cut so one could walk past a car without worrying about catching ones clothes on it.  I worked downhill towards Phelps and dug out two loads of dirt (1st row, 1st & 2nd pic)  and took them up near MP 0.8 and added to the fill on the South side (1st row, 3rd pic).  When back, I did a tie reload.

April 23, Friday:  Since spraying wasn’t happening, I cut up about a dozen sticks of 4x4s for the tie supply. When this was done, I went back to finish the Ramp Track dig and took the Jenny so I could use the reciprocating saw to cut out roots that were too big for a shovel.  Once that was done, I worked on clearing a path for a culvert to drain the water from one side to the other by the switch as this is the low spot.  After looking at the ramp track, I decided to remove about 4 ties and cut out the roots there so new ties could go in (2nd row, 2nd pic).  The culvert there wasn’t going to work anymore so I took it out and moved it down to the main.  I took a load back up and added to my dump site.  It was time to remove the ties and reload so I did that.  Next up was working the ditch towards Phelps.  More roots were cut up to get the ditch lowered and get the culvert under the tracks (2nd row, 1st & 3rd pic).  Now the water should drain away and down.

April 24, Saturday.  Brayden came over and we spent most the day dumping ballast and tamping the ties that we replaced earlier when it wasn’t too wet out (2nd row, 4th pic).  We also took another load out of the tie barrel and added another.  Adam and his dad came over to letter #7.  Scott, Adams Dad, had problems with the paint lifting off so no lettering on the tender tank.  We did get the sand dome done and the cab sides. 

April 25, Sunday.  Nice weather for a change.  Doug Fox came down and we took a load of the new ties and put in 4 on the ramp track and then went up the main to MP 0.6 and started lookin for bad ties in a row.  If there was a good one on each side, I would skip it.  We ended up doing about 35 so have a good section from there to the center of ShitHouse curve.  All for now.-  Tom

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